Goode citizens of HIPSVILLE ’Tis thyme to make merrye!
Princesses in castles! Knights on horsebak! Peasants in your stinking pits!
Rise up and make the pilgramage to Margate’s Lido for the laste ever HIPSVILLE
But staye your weeping! Let’s party like it’s 1499!
Come prancing plague doctors, messed-up monkes and iron maidenes!
Bid your servants bring your finest livery, fill up your chalices, polish your clogpole,
buff your helmettes and grab your ergot - it’s time to dance like Saint Vitus!
Knights and ladies! hepped-up heralds, serf monsters and jumping jesters; join the merrymaking!
The Lido’s cobbles have been polished as shiney as Henry VIII’s codpiece, the portcullis is raisede, and it’s Lord assures usse that the pots of boiling oile will remain unpoured on friendly invaders.
Expect bands of merrye menne and maidennes from all corners of the earth. We only picke those brave and bolde enough to accept the quest!
Our DJs are set to join the jouste, with their chests of the finest vinyle guaranteed to make the very foundations of the castle quake as if shaken by Grendel himsellfe!
It’s time for usse to get